sometimes ı feel bad and ı try to change these feelings in classroom. for example when ı feel tired or stressful, ı try to enjoy myself or enjoy classroom activity. when ı do this, ı can feel more active. so, ı can learn more information. because, some classroom activities very beneficial to improve ourselves. and ı like group activities :) ı think it's more enjoyable.
ı have some worries about IELTS but ı hope after 7 weeks they will disappear because ı think ı will be better than now. but if ı want to pass this exam, ı should study for especially vocabulary. and ı should practice about speaking..
Dilara, some of the things that we fear are that way because we do not have enough information about them, they are unknown. What we will try to do over the next few weeks is to take all of the unknown oout of the IELTS exam and therefore remove some of the anxiety that all of you are feeling.I think that this is a very honest assessment of the way class is, when we are not engaged it can be incredibly boring but if we try to actively focus and make things interesting then we find ourselves being more interested, more involved with the reward that we learn more. It is the same for me and most of your classmates.