Better late than never. I am happy that you posted this. Do you know this book? "A Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. This is a truly distopian world where people are kept stupid and on drugs in order to control them. Some people say that it is a blend of these that we live in now, where people are kept stupid by TV and controlled through it by propaganda. Another good book though the control method is through force is 1984. Have you read this? Which kind of place do we live now? It is always good to be asking questions and trying to decide if things are moving in the right direction.
Better late than never. I am happy that you posted this. Do you know this book? "A Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. This is a truly distopian world where people are kept stupid and on drugs in order to control them. Some people say that it is a blend of these that we live in now, where people are kept stupid by TV and controlled through it by propaganda. Another good book though the control method is through force is 1984. Have you read this? Which kind of place do we live now? It is always good to be asking questions and trying to decide if things are moving in the right direction.